One More Free Sample from my Kindle Book, “The (Breaking) Bad Path to Enlightenment: Learn from Walter White’s Mistakes”

Episode 2 “Cat’s in the Bag” Recap of the episode: • Walt and Jesse get a tow out of the ditch from a Native American. They say thanks, hand him a wad of cash. • The two decide their partnership will end after they dispose of the two bodies in the back of the RVContinue reading “One More Free Sample from my Kindle Book, “The (Breaking) Bad Path to Enlightenment: Learn from Walter White’s Mistakes””

“Breaking Bad”-Themed Blog  Introduction and FREE Sample

I loved this show so much that it inspired me to write a blog post about every episode in the epic series and how Walter’s well-meaning but dysfunctional actions reflect the subtle dangers and pitfalls of an oversized ego, which I wrote about in “Overcome Any Personal Obstacle, Including Alcoholism, by Understanding Your Ego” —Continue reading ““Breaking Bad”-Themed Blog  Introduction and FREE Sample”

“The ‘Bad’ Path to Enlightenment” Kindle Book

Here is a link (admittedly an extremely long one!) to my blog compilation in which I blogged about each and every awesome episode of “Breaking Bad” and how Walter’s behavior reflects his growing, bloated ego. Here is a link to the first chapter from the Kindle book: The first season is sort of disjointedContinue reading ““The ‘Bad’ Path to Enlightenment” Kindle Book”